Recognising Stress
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Recognising Signs of Stress
Understanding the Signs and Symptoms
Recognising stress in individuals can be challenging as they may conceal their feelings effectively. Signs to watch out for include:
- Behavioural Signs: Agitation, irritability, rushing, disorganisation, grumpiness, fatigue, withdrawal, emotional outbursts, or aggression.
- Changes in Interaction: Noticeable differences in how they engage with others, such as becoming unusually quiet or withdrawn.
- Work Quality: Decline in performance, making mistakes, procrastination, or forgetfulness.
Symptoms of Stress
Stress manifests in various symptoms categorised into different groups:
- Emotional Symptoms: Crying, boredom, anger, or feelings of worthlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Headaches, dizziness, stomach issues, chest pain, skin problems, sleep disturbances, fatigue, nausea, susceptibility to infections, or muscle and joint pain.
- Behavioural Symptoms: Substance abuse, excessive drinking, smoking, social withdrawal, fidgeting, nail-biting, irritability, or restlessness.
- Cognitive Symptoms: Loss of humour, forgetfulness, constant worrying, indecisiveness, or poor decision-making.
Stress affects individuals differently, impacting various parts of the body and mind. Some may not recognise they are experiencing stress.